Thursday, December 30, 2010

Day 1 and 2 of sewing

       I am shocked I can even write this post since I wanted to throw my sewing machine against the wall about 100 times today! My friend Alaina sent me a link to make some ear warmers, so I decided to make one before I went to Ohio for Christmas. I hand-sewed it and used my new best friend Mr. Hot glue gun.  While i was in Ohio my older brother thought the ear warmers were the ugliest thing in the world and said I could never sale them. CHALLENGE EXPECTED! I told him to send a picture to all his girlfriends and see who would want one. Well, the next day I found out I have to make 7 of them! I was excited because who doesn't love to be right, but the problem I now had was that I needed to learn how to use my sewing machine as soon as possible.
       Seriously these ear warmers have been my worst nightmare. After about 6 hours of work I have decided a few things about myself and sewing.

1. Not only can I not walk straight and write straight I can't sew straight either!! I tried and tired all day, but I think I need to just face it that it will never happen!

2. I have the worst posture in the world! My back hurts so bad. Sewing is going to be expensive, because I am going to have to go see a Chiropractor every time I sew!

3. I have to reward myself with Yogli Mogli after I finish. :) Good thing it is less then a mile from my house!

After hours and hours of sewing here is the final product. I made 5 already, but I am sure you don't want to see those. Trust me!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Good Things come to those who wait...

This Christmas I asked my Daddy-O for two things a punching bag or a sewing machine. He decided to get me a SEWING MACHINE!!!!

As you can see with it is still in the box and all I have really done a lot with it since I got it. I am actually really nervous to make anything. I have a tendency to break everything that I lay my hands on, so I kinda want to get my sewing machine a week in the box till I break it in! I want to make my own clothes, so my friend's mom is going to give me sewing lessons. YES!!!!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Ya know just trying to be domesticated

So... I finally gave into my friend and started a blog.  Haha we will see how this goes! :) This will probably help me become more crafty and domesticated! 
        Probably about a month ago my friend and I had a craft night/ Camp Rock 2 party. I know I know don't be jealous that we watched Camp Rock 2. If you want to know... yes it was amazing! Any who I decided to make these headband. I LOVE me some headbands, and I have always been the person who says, "Oh I can make that." but really never goes. So for the first time I decided to actually do what I said I was going to do. Glad I did, cause now I have cheap gifts to give to my friends for Christmas. :) The headband was from Target and then you just get the $1.00 samples at any fabric store.